
Domain name registration procedure

A word or phrase can be used as a domain name.

After you have chosen a domain name, you will need to send your domain name registration request to a registrar.

You will need to send the following information to the registrar:

▸ The desired domain name.
▸ Name and contact information (including email address, physical address, and contact phone number) of the domain registration, administration, and billing contacts.
▸ Registration term of the desired domain.
▸ Payment details.

When you have provided all this information to your registrar, the registrar will initiate the domain name registration process for you. That registrar will send your domain name request and the domain name’s technical and contact information to the registry.

The registrar files the contact information for the Whois. In addition, the registry adds your domain’s zone files to the master servers. The master servers tell the other servers on the Internet where your website is stored.

Your domain is considered registered and ready for use when all information has been updated.