Subdomains are part of the Internet organization. They are part of the general domain name of a website address and are hierarchical. For example, the name “” has three parts, each separated by a dot. The first part is “.com”, the second is “example” and the third is “order”. The third part is a subdomain of the second, and the second part is a subdomain of the first. It’s a bit like a Matryoshka doll.
Subdomains are useful for dividing your website into different categories. Here is a quick summary of some of the possible categories and advantages:
Target geographic areas or language groups.
For example, if your website is in English and Spanish, you can use a subdomain to indicate that this section of your website will be in Spanish, and not in English – instead of simply, you use Product-oriented sectionIf your website offers a variety of different services or products, you can create a subdomain for each of them, for example:, or
Closed content
Having a separate subdomain for login or account pages on your website is a useful way to organize your site, both for your customers and for yourself.
Better tracking
By using a subdomain, you will be able to track the success of your website more specifically, as you will be able to see exactly which area is performing well and where there is room for improvement.
Importance for SEO
Subdomains are a very useful tool for SEO and, although subdirectory and subdomain optimization is not as important for SEO success as it was a few years ago, it is still worthwhile. For example, you can insert keywords in your subdomain URL when they don’t make sense in the main URL. In addition, you can increase the authority of your website in a smaller niche market, as subdomains are considered an entity of their own. This will also help increase the authority of your main domain. It is useful to have the option of multiple subdomains, because multiple subdomains also increase your chances of being visible in search engine results.